You can print out the Sheet Music for Come Come Ye Saints for the 6 Hole Ocarina.
Come,![]() |
Come,![]() |
ye![]() |
Saints![]() |
No![]() |
toil![]() |
nor![]() |
la![]() |
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fear![]() |
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with![]() |
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way![]() |
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hard![]() |
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jour![]() |
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Tis![]() |
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us![]() |
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Do![]() |
this![]() |
and![]() |
joy![]() |
your![]() |
hearts![]() |
will![]() |
swell![]() |
All![]() |
is![]() |
well!![]() |
All![]() |
is![]() |
well!![]() |
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