You can print out the Sheet Music for Frosty the Snowman for the 6 Hole Ocarina.
Frost![]() |
-y![]() |
the![]() |
snow![]() |
-man![]() |
Was![]() |
a![]() |
jol![]() |
-ly![]() |
hap![]() |
-py![]() |
soul![]() |
With![]() |
a![]() |
corn![]() |
-cob![]() |
pipe![]() |
and![]() |
a![]() |
but![]() |
-ton![]() |
nose![]() |
And![]() |
two![]() |
eyes![]() |
made![]() |
out![]() |
of![]() |
coal![]() |
Frost![]() |
-y![]() |
the![]() |
snow![]() |
man![]() |
is![]() |
a![]() |
fair![]() |
-y![]() |
tail![]() |
they![]() |
say![]() |
He![]() |
was![]() |
made![]() |
of![]() |
snow![]() |
but![]() |
the![]() |
chil![]() |
-dren![]() |
know![]() |
How![]() |
he![]() |
came![]() |
to![]() |
life![]() |
one![]() |
day![]() |
There![]() |
must![]() |
have![]() |
been![]() |
some![]() |
mag![]() |
-ic![]() |
In![]() |
that![]() |
old![]() |
top![]() |
hat![]() |
they![]() |
found![]() |
For![]() |
when![]() |
they![]() |
placed![]() |
it![]() |
on![]() |
his![]() |
head![]() |
He![]() |
be![]() |
-gan![]() |
to![]() |
dance![]() |
a![]() |
-round![]() |
O,![]() |
Frost![]() |
-y![]() |
the![]() |
snow![]() |
-man![]() |
Was![]() |
a![]() |
-live![]() |
as![]() |
he![]() |
could![]() |
be![]() |
And![]() |
the![]() |
chil![]() |
-dren![]() |
say![]() |
he![]() |
could![]() |
laugh![]() |
and![]() |
play![]() |
Just![]() |
the![]() |
same![]() |
as![]() |
you![]() |
and![]() |
me![]() |
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