You can print out the Sheet Music for Hark the Herald Angels Sing for the 6 Hole Ocarina.
Hark!![]() |
The![]() |
her![]() |
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an![]() |
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si![]() |
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the![]() |
new![]() |
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king!![]() |
Peace![]() |
on![]() |
earth![]() |
and![]() |
mer![]() |
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mi![]() |
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God![]() |
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sin![]() |
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Joy![]() |
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all![]() |
ye![]() |
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ski![]() |
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With![]() |
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pro![]() |
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Christ![]() |
is![]() |
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in![]() |
Beth![]() |
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Hark!![]() |
The![]() |
her![]() |
-ald![]() |
an![]() |
-gels![]() |
sing![]() |
Glor![]() |
-y![]() |
to![]() |
the![]() |
new![]() |
-born![]() |
Ki![]() |
-ing!![]() |
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